What is Distilled Water?

Water, even in its natural form contains trace elements, like minerals. Tap water too contains chemicals and potentially dangerous impurities depending on the municipality. One type of purified water without such impurities is distilled water. What is distilled water and how does the process occur? Distilled water completely lacks anything … Read more

The Local Food Movement is More Than Carbon Footprint Reduction

Locavores are usually defined as people who practice eating foods harvested from within an area most commonly bound by a 100 mile radius. Some define the concept as utilizing a concentric circle; utilizing the most local area, such as the backyard garden, for common food items, buying from regional farmers’ … Read more

What is Potable Water?

Potable water is the most valued resource in the world. What is potable water? Simply, it is water that is safe to drink. You drink it daily, possibly without giving it a thought. Potable water comes in many forms, clean and crisp spring water to heavily treated tap water. Although … Read more

How to Save Water at Home

Water is a precious resource, without it life would cease. People like to see water around them, flowing in a fountain in a yard or hear the waves at the beach. The Romans went to great lengths to direct water into their cities’ centers for the public baths. Yet today, … Read more

What is a Water Table?

If you’ve decided to go off grid and become a modern homesteader, you’ll likely need a well. While rainwater harvesting methods can help conserve and reuse the Earth’s precious blue gold, a well is a reliable source of water. Before purchasing land, you’ll need to assess if and at what … Read more